Matt Freeman

Matt Freeman completed his PhD in 2019 at McMaster University in the field of Rehabilitation Science under the supervision of Dr. Jan Willem Gorter. Matt’s doctoral research examined the information needs of individuals with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and their families during the transition to adulthood, and the most effective ways of delivering that information during this transitional phase.
Areas of Focus
Understanding how adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy (CP) experience the transition to adulthood
Developmental trajectories of youth with disabilities, ages 12 to 25 years
This project was initiated and funded by the Ministry for Child and Youth Services (MCYS) in Ontario. The results of our synthesis have been used for the ministry’s development of a Youth Policy Framework, named stepping stones.
Developmental Trajectories of Youth with Disabilities (age 12-25 years of age): A Knowledge Synthesis
This report is the outcome of a knowledge synthesis project on developmental trajectories of youth with disabilities, ages 12 - 25 years.
Youth KIT
The purpose of this study is to obtain the ideas, perspectives, and needs of youth with disabilities, parents, and service providers for the content and design of the Youth version of the KIT (Keeping It Together), and to test the utility of the Youth KIT for youth with multiple exceptionalities.