Nancy Pollock
Emeritus (1956-2020)

Nancy Pollock was an Associate Clinical Professor in the School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University. As a practicing occupational therapist, Nancy brought an important and valued perspective to CanChild. Her research foci included: facilitation of goal setting in young children, enhancing participation and functioning of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder, intervention models for children with developmental and learning difficulties, and best practice in school-based occupational therapy.
Sensory integration: A review of the current state of the evidence
Sensory integration remains a significant area of practice for occupational therapists and research into sensory integrative and sensory processing disorders continues to flourish, so it is important to keep abreast of recent findings.
In the STACK Study (which stands for Screening, Tracking and Assessing Coordination in Kids), students in Grades 4 to 8 in two school boards were screened to identify children who may have coordination difficulties.
Family-centred service: Moving ideas into practice
This study is designed to develop and evaluate educational materials about family-centred service.
Focus on Function
The Focus on Function Study will compare two treatment approaches ("child-focused" and "context-focused") that are currently being used for children with cerebral palsy and other developmental and motor delays.
Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test (QUEST)
The Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test is an outcome measure designed to evaluate movement patterns and hand function in children with cerebral palsy.
A DCD module for physiotherapists: increase in self-reported knowledge and skills
An online evidence-based DCD module could thus support PTs to implement best DCD practice.
Children with DCD: At home, at school and in the community (Booklet)
This booklet is designed to help parents and educators identify and manage school-aged children who are demonstrating movement problems typical of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).
Succeeding at School: Accommodations for Students with Coordination Difficulties
DCD is a medical diagnosis, not an educational diagnosis; as such, it does not easily lead to programming to meet children’s learning needs at school. Many children with DCD do not qualify for, nor do they need, special education services.
Recognizing and Referring Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: The Role of the Occupational Therapist
Children who are experiencing difficulties with handwriting and other fine motor activities at school are often referred for an occupational therapy (OT) assessment.
Recognizing and Referring Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: The role of the optometrist
Children who present with school-related difficulties that have a visual or visual-motor basis may have a number of things happening. In this flyer, we provide information about school-aged children who have had their vision tested and who do not appear to have significant visual problems.
Recognizing and Referring Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: The Role of the Psychologist
Children who are experiencing learning difficulties at school are frequently referred for psychoeducational assessment.